

Bauchi, Nigeria
tours in Gar

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Gar - Transport

Airports Trains Subway Bus TAXI Car Rental Gas Parkings Car Repair Car Wash Bicycles

Gar - Where to visit near?

GWARAM    18 DINDIMA    21 YULI    42 YAMRAT    48 BAUCHI    53 ZALANGA    61 BARA    61 BUNUNU    67 PINDIGA    76 AKKO    81 DASS    82 DENGI    85 KAFARATI    98 GARKO    99 DUKKU    100 AMPER    100 BOI    101 GOMBE    102 DARAZO    104 KUMO    104

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Gar - Where to Eat?
Restaurants Cafe Bars Beer Bakeries Supermarkets Malls
Gar - Where to Shop? Shopping
Grocery Bakeries Supermarkets Malls Fashion Clothing Shoes Jewelry Sport Liquor
Gar - Where to Go?
Museums Galleries Churches Synagogues Mosques Temples Parks
Nightclubs Casino Bowling Amusements Aquaparks Stadiums Aquariums Zoo Movie
Gar - Health&Beauty
Beauty Hair Care Spa Fitness Gyms Hospitals Doctors Dentists Pharmacy Veterinary

Gar,  Bauchi, Nigeria

Gar - family of fishes

Population: 0 inh.
Region: Bauchi
Country: Nigeria
Continent: AF

"Gars are members of the Lepisosteiformes, an ancient holosteian order of ray-finned fish; fossils from this order are known from the Late Jurassic onwards. The family Lepisosteidae includes seven living species of fish in two genera that inhabit fresh, brackish, and occasionally marine, waters of eastern North America, Central America and the Caribbean islands. Gars have elongated bodies that are heavily armored with ganoid scales, and fronted by similarly elongated jaws filled with long, sharp teeth. Gars are sometimes referred to as "garpike", but are not closely related to pike, which are in the fish family Esocidae. All of the gars are relatively large fish, but the alligator gar is the largest – the alligator gar often grows to a length of over 2 m (6.5 ft) and a weight of over 45 kg (100 lb), and specimens of up to 3 m (9.8 ft) in length have been reported. Unusually, their vascularised swim bladders can function as lungs, and most gars surface periodically to take a gulp of air. Gar flesh is edible and the hard skin and scales of gars are used by humans, but gar eggs are highly toxic. - Wikipedia"

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