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Gulai - Indonesian curry-like sauce
"Gulai is a type of food containing rich, spicy and succulent curry-like sauce commonly found in Sumatra, Indonesia. The main ingredients might be poultry, goat meat, beef, mutton, various kinds of offal, fish and seafood, and also vegetables such as cassava leaves and unripe jackfruit. The gulai sauces commonly have a thick consistency with yellowish colour because of the addition of ground turmeric. Gulai sauce ingredients consist of rich spices such as turmeric, coriander, black pepper, galangal, ginger, chilli pepper, shallot, garlic, fennel, lemongrass, cinnamon and caraway, ground into paste and cooked in coconut milk with the main ingredients. Gulai is often described as an Indonesian type of curry, indeed gulai is the common name for curry dishes in the country, although Indonesian cuisine also recognise kari or kare (curry). - Wikipedia"