

Guizhou, China
tours in Liupanshui

Liupanshui - Where to Stay?

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Liupanshui - Transport

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Liupanshui - Where to visit near?

WEINING    66 BIJIE    90 ANSHUN    116 ZHAOTONG    137 QUJING    162 GUIYANG    188

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Liupanshui - Where to Eat?
Restaurants Cafe Bars Beer Bakeries Supermarkets Malls
Liupanshui - Where to Shop? Shopping
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Liupanshui - Where to Go?
Museums Galleries Churches Synagogues Mosques Temples Parks
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Liupanshui - Health&Beauty
Beauty Hair Care Spa Fitness Gyms Hospitals Doctors Dentists Pharmacy Veterinary

Liupanshui,  Guizhou, China

Liupanshui - Prefecture-level city in Guizhou, People's Republic of China

Population: 251900 inh.
Region: Guizhou
Country: China
Continent: AS
Airport: LPF

"Liupanshui is a city in western Guizhou province, People's Republic of China. The name Liupanshui combines the first character from the names of each of the city's three constituent counties: Liuzhi, Panzhou, Shuicheng. As a prefecture-level city with an area of 9,926 square kilometres (3,832 sq mi), Liupanshui had a total population of over 2,830,000 in 2006, making it the second largest in the province, though only 251,900 inhabitants were urban residents. The city is known locally as "The Cool City" or "Cool Capital" due to its low average summer temperature. - Wikipedia"

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