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"Pakol, Popularly known as the Chitrali cap, is a soft round-topped men's hat, typically of wool and found in any of a variety of earthy colors: brown, black, grey, ivory or dyed red using walnut. Pakol is a Khowar Chitrali word and is derived from the word Khoi which means hat in Khowar. The original Khowar name for the hat is Khapol. The cap's origin are debated upon with a theory of a possible origin in southeastern Europe, however the consensus among historians and ethnographers is for it to have originated from Chitral. The woolen cap has been the staple headgear of the Chitrali people for centuries. The main source of production is Chitral in Pakistan which is also located at the center of its range. It is also worn in Gilgit-Baltistan, Dir in Pakistan and also by Afghans such as Tajiks and Nuristani people as well as Afghan Pashtuns. Nuristan is a major region where it is imported from Chitral. - Wikipedia"