

Kars, Turkey
tours in Sarıkamış

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Sarıkamış - Transport

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Sarıkamış - Where to visit near?

HORASAN    48 KAĞIZMAN    50 GÖLE    51 KARS    52 OLTU    56 ELEŞKIRT    59 NARMAN    62 AĞRI    78 KARAYAZI    80 ARPAÇAY    85 PASINLER    87 ARDAHAN    87 TORTUM    89 UZUNDERE    92 ARDANUÇ    99 TAŞLIÇAY    102 KARAKOYUNLU    102 HANAK    103 ŞAVŞAT    103 YUSUFELI    104

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Sarıkamış - Where to Eat?
Restaurants Cafe Bars Beer Bakeries Supermarkets Malls
Sarıkamış - Where to Shop? Shopping
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Sarıkamış - Where to Go?
Museums Galleries Churches Synagogues Mosques Temples Parks
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Sarıkamış - Health&Beauty
Beauty Hair Care Spa Fitness Gyms Hospitals Doctors Dentists Pharmacy Veterinary

Sarıkamış,  Kars, Turkey

Sarıkamış - Place in Kars, Turkey

Population: 23665 inh.
Region: Kars
Country: Turkey
Continent: AS

"Sarıkamış is a town and a district of Kars Province in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Its population was 17,860 in 2010. The town sits in a valley and is surrounded by mountains, many of which are covered with pine forests. It has a subalpine climate, with average of 7–8 ft/2.1m-2.4m of snowfall; it has very long winters and short, dry summers. In recent years Sarıkamış has developed as a winter skiing resort, with one of the world's longest tracks. - Wikipedia"

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