

Artvin, Turkey
tours in Seyitler

Seyitler - Where to Stay?

Hotels Apartments Hostels B&B Campings Motels Resorts Villas 3* Hotels 4* Hotels 5* Hotels Budget
Seyitler - Best Hotel Offers in

Seyitler - Transport

Airports Trains Subway Bus TAXI Car Rental Gas Parkings Car Repair Car Wash Bicycles

Seyitler - Must See

Çoruh Park Tepe Restaurant Artvin Valilik Meydanı Koru Hotel&Rest Ishan Church Barhal Camisi Kafkasor Arena

Seyitler - Where to visit near?

ARDANUÇ    20 BORÇKA    23 HOPA    41 ŞAVŞAT    44 ARHAVI    48 YUSUFELI    49 BATUMI    53 CH'AK'VI    60 DIOK’NISI    67 K'OBULET'I    70 ARDEŞEN    71 ARDAHAN    73 OLTU    74 UZUNDERE    78 GÖLE    79 OZURGET'I    82 HANAK    84 ÇAYELI    94 NARMAN    94 TORTUM    104

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More about Seyitler >>>

Seyitler - Where to Eat?
Restaurants Cafe Bars Beer Bakeries Supermarkets Malls
Seyitler - Where to Shop? Shopping
Grocery Bakeries Supermarkets Malls Fashion Clothing Shoes Jewelry Sport Liquor
Seyitler - Where to Go?
Museums Galleries Churches Synagogues Mosques Temples Parks
Nightclubs Casino Bowling Amusements Aquaparks Stadiums Aquariums Zoo Movie
Seyitler - Health&Beauty
Beauty Hair Care Spa Fitness Gyms Hospitals Doctors Dentists Pharmacy Veterinary

Seyitler,  Artvin, Turkey

Seyitler - Village in Artvin Province, Turkey

Population: 1617 inh.
Region: Artvin
Country: Turkey
Continent: AS

"Seyitler is a village in the central district (Artvin) of Artvin Province, Turkey. Situated at 41°12′N 41°51′E it is only 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) to Artvin. The population of Seyitler was 2087 as of 2011. The village was founded by merging three former villages in 1925. The village was a typical cattle breeding village. But after the foundadition the Artvin Çoruh University campus near the village the main economic sector of the village shifted to services. - Wikipedia"

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