

Chongqing, China
tours in Tianba

Tianba - Where to Stay?

Hotels Apartments Hostels B&B Campings Motels Resorts Villas 3* Hotels 4* Hotels 5* Hotels Budget
Tianba - Best Hotel Offers in

Tianba - Transport

Airports Trains Subway Bus TAXI Car Rental Gas Parkings Car Repair Car Wash Bicycles

Tianba - Where to visit near?

QIANJIANG    39 FULING    115 LICHUAN    118 TUANBAO    132 ENSHI    148 LONGFENG    157 JISHOU    163 WANZHOU    164 WANXIAN    170 GANSHUI    183 FENGHUANG    186 DONGXI    187 TONGREN    187 YEZHOU    189 CHONGQING    189 YUDONG    191 ZHANGJIAJIE    195 SHIQIAN    197

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Tianba - Where to Eat?
Restaurants Cafe Bars Beer Bakeries Supermarkets Malls
Tianba - Where to Shop? Shopping
Grocery Bakeries Supermarkets Malls Fashion Clothing Shoes Jewelry Sport Liquor
Tianba - Where to Go?
Museums Galleries Churches Synagogues Mosques Temples Parks
Nightclubs Casino Bowling Amusements Aquaparks Stadiums Aquariums Zoo Movie
Tianba - Health&Beauty
Beauty Hair Care Spa Fitness Gyms Hospitals Doctors Dentists Pharmacy Veterinary

Tianba - Town in Sichuan, China

Population: 0 inh.
Region: Chongqing
Country: China
Continent: AS

"Tianba is a town in the Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan, China. It has a monsoon-influenced humid subtropical climate under the Köppen climate classification. - Wikipedia"

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