
Туры в Malu

Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu, Китай
tours в Malu

Malu - Где остановиться?

Отели Апартаменты Хостелы B&B Кемпинги Мотели Курорты Виллы 3* Отели 4* Отели 5* Отели Эконом
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Malu - Транспорт

Аэропорты Вокзалы Метро Автобус TAXI Прокат Авто Заправки Паркинги Авторемонт Автомойки Велосипеды

Malu - Что рядом?

NALIANG    9 DONGXING    11 MÓNG CÁI    14 JIANGPING    21 FANGCHENGGANG    44 SHANGSI    56 ЦИНЬЧЖОУ    81 BAIHECUN    90 CẨM PHẢ MINES    97 КАМФА    100 CHONGZUO    101 XICHANG    104 SHAGANG    112 WUJIA    113 ХАЛОНГ    119 DANGJIANG    121 БЭЙХАЙ    122 XINGDAOHU    123 LẠNG SƠN    125 HEPU    129

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Malu,  Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu, Китай

Malu - Type of tattoo

Население: 13117 чел.
Регион: Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu
Страна: Китай
Континент: AS

"Malu is a word in the Samoan language for a female-specific tattoo of cultural significance. The malu covers the legs from just below the knee to the upper thighs just below the buttocks, and is typically finer and delicate in design compared to the Pe'a, the equivalent tattoo for males. The malu takes its name from a particular motif of the same name, usually tattooed in the popliteal fossa behind the knee. It is one of the key motifs not seen on men. According to Samoan scholar Albert Wendt and tattooist Su'a Suluape Paulo II, in tattooing, the term 'malu' refers to notions of sheltering and protection. Samoan women were also tattooed on the hands and sometimes the lower abdomen. These practices have undergone a resurgence since the late 1990s. - Wikipedia"

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